Substrate System

Products > Substrate System

Creating a live Substrate

What are the conditions for nurturing water plants well ? We think it is necessary to create an environment close to the ecosystem of our Mother Nature in the substrate system. Various microorganisms exist in the natural habitat, having a symbiotic relation with each other. Plants in a natural habitat absorb nutrients, generated by microorganism activity from their roots, and create substance constructing their body. Microorganisms also take in secreted substance from plant roots and degrade the substance for turning into a sources of energy. The degraded substance is again absorbed by plant roots. Such relationship between roots and microorganisms is functioning in an environment where abundant nature still exists, however those relationship is not functioning under modern agriculture method, using chemical fertilizer.

Generally, crop cultivated under modern agricultural method is vulnerable to pests, and environmental change. The stability, in the natural ecosystem, does not exist there.

This idea can be applied to the planted aquarium, and the Nature Aquarium substrate was developed based on this theory. Water plants can grow well in a symbiotic relation between plant roots and microorganisms, and this relationship stabilizes the aquarium environment. Oxygen is indispensable for microorganism to propagate themselves, and for this reason, the substrate must be water permeable. It is also important for the roots. Live substrate is only possible with existence of good quality nutrients, abundant with organic matters to be degraded by microorganism. Power Sand makes this idealistic substrate possible.


Power Sand S

104-001 Power Sand S 2 Litre
(For aquariums smaller than 40cm height)

Power Sand contains rich organic nutrients for plant roots, and helps to make an ideal environment for bacteria activity. Its porous volcanic stones secure water circulation, and avoid the stiffing of the substrate. It also contains rich nutrients for aquatic plant roots for a long period.
Please select right size, S, M, L according to the water depth.

Power Sand M

104-002 Power Sand M 2 Litre
(For aquariums between 40cm-60cm height)

Power Sand contains rich organic nutrients for plant roots, and helps to make an ideal environment for bacteria activity. Its porous volcanic stones secure water circulation, and avoid the stiffing of the substrate. It also contains rich nutrients for aquatic plant roots for a long period.
Please select right size, S, M, L according to the water depth.

Power Sand L

104-003 Power Sand L 2 Litre
(For aquariums over 60cm height)

Power Sand contains rich organic nutrients for plant roots, and helps to make an ideal environment for bacteria activity. Its porous volcanic stones secure water circulation, and avoid the stiffing of the substrate. It also contains rich nutrients for aquatic plant roots for a long period.
Please select right size, S, M, L according to the water depth.

Power Sand Special S

104-011 Power Sand Special S 2 Litre
(For aquariums smaller than 40cm height)

Power Sand Special is the substrate material with more minerals and nutrients. This is appropriate for Echinodorus or Cryptocoryne absorbing nutrients from its roots. It works with bacteria inside the substrate, and offer charcoal powder to the bacteria as a food, and creates living substrate.

Power Sand Special M

104-012 Power Sand Special M 6 Litre
(For aquariums between 40cm-60cm height)

Power Sand Special is the substrate material with more minerals and nutrients. This is appropriate for Echinodorus or Cryptocoryne absorbing nutrients from its roots. It works with bacteria inside the substrate, and offer charcoal powder to the bacteria as a food, and creates living substrate.

Power Sand Special L

104-013 Power Sand Special L 18 Litre
(For aquariums over 60cm height)

Power Sand Special is the substrate material with more minerals and nutrients. This is appropriate for Echinodorus or Cryptocoryne absorbing nutrients from its roots. It works with bacteria inside the substrate, and offer charcoal powder to the bacteria as a food, and creates living substrate.

Aqua Soil- New Amazonia

104-021 9 liter
104-031 3 liter
104-041 Powder Type 9 litre
104-051 Powder Type 3 litre

"NEW" AMAZONIA is the idealistic substrate material for the Nature Aquarium, and has advantages of both AMAZONIA and AMAZONIA II. Powder type is used for small size aquarium or for spreading lightly over the normal type Amazonia.

Aqua Soil-Malaya

104-022 9 liter
104-032 3 liter
104-042 Powder Type 9 litre
104-052 Powder Type 3 litre

Yellow color tone Malaya creates an aquascape of natural atmosphere. Its soft granules is suitable for the aquarium layout for maintaining for a long period.

Aqua Soil-Africana

104-023 9
104-033 3
104-043 Powder Type 9
104-053 Powder Type 3

Red baked soil creates the image of tropical rain forest. Granule is relatively hard, and it is easy to handle, compared to Amazonia and Malaya. As organic element is low compared to Amazonia, plants grow slowly in Africana soil.

Creating a natural feeling

When you visit rivers and lakes in nature, you may notice many parts of the riverbed is covered by stones and sand. Even in a river or lake where aquatic plants flourish, whole riverbed is not covered by plants. We are introducing a layout with dressing sand in the foreground. Bright color sand in the foreground changes the whole impression of the layout. It also helps to make a natural feeling in the layout. Especially under metal halide lighting system such as Solar 1 or Grand Solar 1, shadow of moving water surface is reflected on the dressing sand, and this image gives an illusion as if watching the riverbed during river dive. There are many varieties in dressing sand, and their colors and different. Please select the one close to your layout image. Aqua Gravel is a gravel collected in a natural river. It comes in 4 variation sizes. It also helps to create a natural feeling by using different size gravels. Aqua Gravel can be used not only for planted aquarium, but also fish tank. Fine sand is good for fish like corydorus, and Aqua Gravel is recommended for fresh water Japanese native fish.

Nile Sand

104-066 5.2 liter
104-067 2.6 liter

Nile Sand is slightly grey tone color natural sand. It is appropriate to use Nile Sand as “decoration sand” for the layout with cool impression.

Sarawak Sand

104-064 5.2 liter
104-065 2.6 liter

The warm yellow tone of Sarawak Sand harmonizes the fresh green of aquatic plants. Use as “decoration sand”

Aqua Gravel

106-5012 S Size 15kg
106-5011 S Size 8kg
106-501 S Size 2kg
106-5022 M Size 15kg
106-5021 M Size 8kg
106-502 M Size 2kg
106-5042 LL Size 15kg
106-5041 LL Size 8kg
106-504 LL Size 2kg
106-5032 L Size 15kg
106-5031 L Size 8kg
106-503 L Size 2kg

It is natural river gravel. Unlike sea gravel, you do not have to worry about hardness increase. There are 4 size variety, S, M, L, and LL. S size can also be used as substrate material like Oiso sand. M-LL size can be mixed together, and used for promoting riverbed aquascape.

Congo Sand

104-077 Congo Sand SS - 2kg
104-078 Mekong Sand S - 2kg
104-079 Mekong Sand SS - 8kg
104-080 Mekong Sand S - 8kg

Congo Sand is natural sand that is suitable for cosmetic sands of water plants layout and sand for normal tank. You can use it in various ways as a base sand for aquarium with unique black-staid coloring or in case of emphasizing the color contrast with a bright coloring of fish.

Mekong Sand

104-081 Mekong Sand SS - 2kg
104-082 Mekong Sand S - 2kg
104-083 Mekong Sand Powder - 2kg
104-084 Mekong Sand SS - 8kg
104-085 Mekong Sand S - 8kg
104-086 Mekong Sand Powder - 8kg

Mekong Sand is natural sand that is suitable for cosmetic sands of water plants layout and sand for normal tank. It is relative bright color with natural atmosphere and express the bottom of natural river.


Bacter 100


More than 100 different kinds of bacteria are inside Bacter 100 in a dormant state. Those bacteria form microorganism layer inside the substrate. To be applied at the bottom of the substrate at initial setup, or for restraining the growth of blue-green algae, sprinkle directly on the algae.


Bacter Ball


The same ingredients of Bacter 100 in a handy shape of balls which can be easily applied to the aquarium. It can be buried in the substrate, or applied on top of the substrate layer or inside the filter. Particles of Bacter Ball consumed by fish or shrimp, helps to activate their intestinal bacterial flora.


Tourmaline BC


Tourmaline BC contains fine bamboo charcoal, absorbing organic pollutant substances, and mineral of tourmaline which improves the aquarium environment. It helps to improve the substrate environment by sprinkling at initial setup.


Clear Super


Clear Super contains highly refined activated carbon powder mixed with several nutrients promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. When setting the aquarium, the work of bacteria is activated by spreading Clear Super at bottom of substrate layer with Bacter 100, and it helps to stabilize the substrate environment quickly.


Penac W for Aquarium


Penac W helps to improve the substrate environment. Sprinkle powder of Penac W at very bottom of the substrate layer. Recommendable for advanced planted aquarium hobbyists.


Penac P for Plants


Penac P improves resisting power plant naturally have, and promotes healthy growth. It can also be used for horticulture or agriculture purpose.


Iron Bottom


Iron Bottom is stick of nutrients, and it can be applied easily by inserting to the substrate. It provides necessary nutrient element with iron, and helps to avoid whitening of the plants. It is also very effective for the growth of Echinodorus.


Iron Bottom Long


Iron Bottom is stick of nutrients, and it can be applied easily by inserting to the substrate. It provides necessary nutrient element with iron, and helps to avoid whitening of the plants. It is also very effective for the growth of Echinodorus.


Multi Bottom


Multi Bottom is stick of nutrients, with balanced formula of trace elements vital for aquatic plants. It can be used as nutrient supplement when the nutrient element supplied from Power Sand decreased. Multi Bottom Long is for a large size aquarium with thick substrate layer. It can be applied easily into substrate with optional Bottom Release.


Multi Bottom LONG


Multi Bottom is stick of nutrients, with balanced formula of trace elements vital for aquatic plants. It can be used as nutrient supplement when the nutrient element supplied from Power Sand decreased. Multi Bottom Long is for a large size aquarium with thick substrate layer. It can be applied easily into substrate with optional Bottom Release.

Growth Plate

104-201 60x30cm aquarium
104-202 60x45cm aquarium
104-203 90x45cm aquarium

Growth plate is designed to heat up the substrate in combination with a heater and a thermostat. Convective flow of heat makes water circulate in the aquarium tank, and it helps to maintain a good substrate environment. It is effective against plant growth deficiency due to the cold of winter season.
